Leaving Things Open

I have a bad habit of leaving stories open ended. I tell someone about a certain situation with the idea that future details will eventually surface, the problem being that I never fill those people in when those details do eventually turn up. I must admit I am terrible at this in person, and have noticed that I do the same  here on this blog.

I shall correct that.

For the entirety of my trip to the Dominican Republic I learnt new, sometimes exciting – sometimes embarrassing, facts about my family history and its present. Upon my return to New York I gave my maternal Grandmother, Mama, a complete history of our family tree in book form for Mother’s Day. I must state that once I opened the tree up to the entire family new facts, photos, and births have been added and so although the issue I gave to Mama is the First Edition it has now been outdated.

There was a big question of whether I would return to the Dominican Republic with her, or if I would stay here in New York while I figure out what is to happen next on this journey I call life. Well to keep things short and to the point Mama Ysabel left for Bonao last Thursday (19 May 2011) and I did not go with her. I have my reasons, which I can not get into right now (there I am leaving things open again – but I promise I shall close this thought at a later date). My Tío Joel and Tía Olimpia escorted her on the trip home.

And so to you Mama, I bid farewell for I do not know when I will see you again. You want to die in your own home and have come back from your stroke stronger than ever just to make sure that you do. I hope you are happy basking in the sun on your front yard and am eternally grateful for the fact that I got to spend this time with you, and of course that you allowed me your house when you so desperately wanted to be in it as well.
“Yo soy Fuerte”
~ Ysabel Peña
2011-05-20 Mama Ysabel getting ready to head to JFK Airport. This is the only photo taken within the last 10 years where she is standing.
Leaving Things Open Leaving Things Open Reviewed by Christópher Abreu Rosario on 15:20 Rating: 5

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