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Another Saint Louis cohort now living in New York, Lindsey and I first met in the spring of 2006. It was the end of my junior year and of her sophomore. She instantly got on my nerves, along with her little friend Kate, and I had no problem putting her in her place. By the fall of the following year I couldn't get enough of her.
Lindsey was all about living life and it didn't matter if rules were broken in the process. She would invite me over to her on campus apartment and when I'd show up there would be a group of underage students drinking alcohol. I was an RA and so my duty was to bust them, instead I joined in. I remember how serious it seemed at the time, how dangerous it was - I would have been fired if caught. Now it just seems silly.
I would end up living with Lindsey the summer after my year in Graduate School, my return to Saint Louis from London. It was short lived as she accepted an internship in New York and when she returned I was living in a downtown apartment. That summer was rough as I could not find a job and ended up eating through my savings. My brothers would have to drive down in their pick up and collect me, to take me back to New York - the place I didn't want to be. I call this period the rescue of 2007.
In February of 2008 (the flee) I left New York once more. On Valentines day Lindsey would pick me up from the airport and we would have lunch together. We were both crashing on a friends couch as we tried to re-establish ourselves. Within a week I would find a job as a letting agent, and Lindsey in retail. Within a month we would move into a gorgeous garden apartment in the central west end across the street from Cody and his then fiancé (now wife) Mandy.
Life started to piece together and it was while living there that this blog was born. Though it was a completely different animal altogether. The time we spent there was magical, though we didn't see it at the time. We complained about not being able to enjoy ourselves, not being able to enjoy life, yet we were always surrounded by good friends, good food, and good times. Life was simple but we made the most of it.
The following November Lindsey would move back home to Minnesota and a few weeks later I would find myself in London once again.
Lindsey has since moved to New York where she is pursuing a career in photography. During my short stay, this time around, she introduced me to alcoholic milkshakes. Leave it to her to find something that is already fun and turn it into something naughty. Lindsey was the first person to nick name me Papi and for that she is my Mami.
A New York Summary: Part 6 of 10
Reviewed by Christópher Abreu Rosario

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